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How can I assist with iCertifi?


Talking to iCertifi Bot is straightforward and intuitive. Here’s how you can make the most of your interactions:

  1. Be Clear and Specific: Clearly articulate what you want to know or discuss. The more specific your questions, the more accurate and relevant the responses will be.
  2. Provide Context: If your question or topic is complex, providing some background information can help the model understand better and give more useful answers.
  3. Use Natural Language: Feel free to talk to iCertifi AI as you would to a person. It understands everyday language and can also handle different types of queries
  4. Follow-up Questions Are Okay: If an answer isn’t exactly what you were looking for, you can ask follow-up questions to narrow down the information.
  5. Feedback Helps: If the responses aren’t quite right, you can often guide the model with a bit of feedback or by rephrasing your question.