iCertifi Continues To Innovate With Our New


Electrical Installation

Remedial Report 


Give customers assurance any observations on their EICR have now been remedied.

Best of all it works like magic at the flick of a switch, iCertifi handles all the work for you

How it works.


You have a completed EICR saved


You have completed the remedial works


Open the EICR and turn on the Remedial Works Completed switch


Optionally add the serial numbers of the electrical certificates for the remedial work(s)

Here’s where the magic happens.


iCertifi magically converts the EICR into an Electrical Installation Remedial Report with all the observations from the original report being changed to Satisfactory. Best of all your original EICR is not affected.  Simply turn on the switch anytime you need to regenerate the report

Electrical Installation Remedial Report is coming in iCertifi V11.9.2 soon  

Or, try it in Beta now