iCertifi V9 Advanced Electrical Certification
iCertifi V9 is a huge update for Electrical Contractors
Advanced new features for electrical certification

Meet C.H.I.P
Certificate High Intelligence Protocol
C.H.I.P Is Our New Intelligent Assistance Engine & Your Electrical Testing Assistant
As you work C.H.I.P will start to learn what type of electrical certification you do. As you work C.H.I.P will place the item you use most at the top of the pickers. If you do a lot of domestic work, you will notice the circuits and overcurrent devices you use most rise to the top for easy access. if you do more specialised work and use less common OC devices or specialised circuits these will rise to the top.
Turn On Smart Fill For Even Faster Electrical Certification
C.H.I.P Can partly fill out BS7671 electrical certificates for you. In the case of a domestic installation for instance C.H.I.P will assume BS1361 main fuse, 25mm tails, 16 earth, 10mm bond etc and pre fill this for you. If you don’t want to accept the pre filled value no problem, just change it. We think this can cut electrical certification time by a third. Just turn it on in Settings > Chip >Smart Fill

Live Circuit Data Sync
Remote Working
Remote working remotely syncs a circuits test results and updates them in real time. Work remotely or collaborate with others on a circuit.
1. Open or start a circuit, press Live Data Sync at top of circuit. The Live Data Sync logo will begin to flash. You can now receive circuit data data from another device. That device does not have to be in range,. Mangers or QS can view results of a circuit testing live at the office
2. On another device on your account open a new circuit or existing one. Any data or changes made will magically appear and update on your first device