Make Use Of Cloud Technology To Share And Save Electrical Certificates
Sometimes your electrical certificate may exceed the size allowed by your email providor. iCertifi has you covered. By tapping “More Sharing Options” from the PDF screen you can upload to your favourite cloud storage providor like Dropbox, Box etc
Create A Company Cloud Account And Folder
Allow access to employees who can all upload electrical certificates to a single shared folder. QS’s, Managers and office staff can orginise and send out electrical certificates in a productive streamlined way

Choose Your Favourite Cloud Provider

By having a secure cloud folder for your electrical certificate PDF’s not only do you have a safe secure storage of completed certs, there are flexible options for co workers and sharing. If you already have a personal cloud account its probably best create a new one just for your company, that way none of your personal files get mixed up with your business ones. Providers like Dropbox, Box ,OneDrive, are secure and easy to use
Create A Single Shared Cloud Folder

In your chosen cloud account create a new folder, name it something everyone will recognise like: Completed Electrical Certificates. This is the folder that everyone will upload finished certificates to directly from iCertifi. Anyone with access can view and upload electrical certificates. You can also create separate folders for different Electrical Contractors. Qualified Supervisors can monitor *PDF’s as they come in. (*Cannot not be altered )
Share With Colleagues And Customers

Once in the cloud electrical certificates can be shared with cutomers using a downloadable link. Unlike email, there is no size restriction making this useful for sharing larger EICR’s for example. The client does not need to have an account with your chosen cloud provider or sign up. Their electrical certifcate will download straight away from the provided link and they cannot access your folder of saved certificates
Editable & Non Editable Certs

On your iPhone or iPad, saved electrical certificates remain editable. Once a PDF is sent, inc the cloud the certifcate is transformed into a secure non editable PDF preventing any unauthorised changes being made to your certificates. If your company has an Enterprise Subcription, Qualified Supervisors can remotely and securely sign in the relevant sections
Lets Share
It’s Easy To Send And Save Your Completed Electrical Certificate To The Cloud
Generate an electrical certificate with iCertifi
Tap the share button (Blue box with arrow)
Tap “More Sharing Options”
Tap the share buton once again and choose your cloud providers app icon from the options. From there you can navigate to the specific folder you created and add your electrical certificates
Done! Now you can safely store, share and collaborate your iCertifi electrical certificates straight from your iPhone or iPad