Pre Filled Distribution Board Template: Productive BS 7671 Electrical Certification

Pre Filled Distribution Board Template: Productive BS 7671 Electrical Certification

Distribution Board Template In iCertifi 10.4


Electricians can create a pre-filled db board that can be reused in iCertifi 10.4 or above. Speed up workflow and save hours of BS 7671 electrical form filling by adding preconfigured distribution boards and circuits instantly!

Pre configured Circuit
Pre configured DB Board

Entering data in the template fields will automatically populate when adding the template.  Circuits and data are automatically be added to the distribution board

Add pre configured distribution board iCertifi

Add a template distribution board and electrical circuits, pre-filled instantly with iCertifi’s template distribution board feature

Entering the same details over and over for similar electrical installations can take hours of form filling.  Not with iCertif’s Template Board Feature

How to use template distribution board flow chart

With prefilled details about the board characteristics and overcurrent devices, testing large similar installations like new build housing, flats, large factories etc becomes a breeze. With most of the information already filled in for the electrical engineer at the tap of a screen, productivity for electrical contractors is vastly increased

template distribution board iCertifi Settings

The distribution board template feature can be found in Settings

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