The Vault | EICR Assistant

The Vault | EICR Assistant

THE VAULT iCertifi’s EICR Assistant 


Builds on our long standing searchable database of commonly used EICR observations. We now have nearly 500 hundred scenarios and pre-defined observations that include reference and a suggested EICR code. THE VAULT Is designed to assist and to be a reference tool for Electrical Inspectors undertaking Electrical Installation Condition Reports with iCertifi. EICR’s are essential for ensuring electrical installations are safe. THE VAULT is not exhaustive, it is designed to help the inspector form their own opinion of an installation and code it appropriately, making an accurate assessment of the installation. It is NOT a substitute for detailed knowledge

How it works


Search THE VAULT with pre-defined observations without the need for a data connection. Many include the relevant BS 7671 reference and recommended observation code.

Tapping the text will insert the relevant non-compliance suggestion into your certificates and recommended code.

Should you record an issue with metering equipment or intake, iCertifi will automatically present you with an option to locate the DNO or MO and contact details.

As always this all works offline.

Create your own Vault

iCertifi users can also create their own VAULT.

Go To:  iCertifi Settings > Customise THE VAULT.

Useful if you do specialised work. Users can also add to their own saved EICR observations to the vault direct from an existing observation. users can swap between customised and standard vault as required


It should be noted that the inspector undertaking the inspection must make the final decision on the correct code. THE VAULT only recommends. iCertifi accepts no responsibility for incorrect codes. EICR results, or persons inspecting electrical installations without sufficient knowledge